Short Sleeve Shirts

Women’s Custom-Made Short Sleeve Shirts

Individually crafted to your own measurements, our custom-made short sleeve shirts offer the perfect fit and premium quality to be worn for years to come. A vibrant addition to any wardrobe, choose from a range of beautiful and colourful African print patterns and add unique details to make your custom shirt.

Our short sleeve shirts are lovingly handmade using original African wax print fabrics that are sourced from and produced in Africa. They are easy to look after by following our wash care instructions.

Get another shirt for free with your first made to measure shirt purchase (use code: MTMFIRST)!

Women’s Pink/Orange Flower Short Sleeve Shirt

Out of Stock

Women’s Yellow/Red/Blue Short Sleeve Shirt


Women’s Yellow/White Short Sleeve Shirt


Women’s Red/Yellow Short Sleeve Shirt


Women’s Yellow/Blue Flower Short Sleeve Shirt


Women’s Red/Green Flower Short Sleeve Shirt


Women’s Red/Blue Flower Short Sleeve Shirt


Gorgeous Made to Measure Women’s Shirts

Express your style and create a made to measure short sleeve shirt that fits you perfectly. Individual female body shapes vary massively however a made to measure shirt will guarantee the best fit. Simply enter the measurements of a shirt that fits you well at home that can then be saved when you buy future made to measure items!

Ideal for both day and evening, dress your short sleeve up or down. From changing your accessories to adding a blazer, our beautiful African print custom made shirts are highly versatile.

Buying from Kitenge is the sustainable choice. Choosing well and buying clothes that last is key to eradicating fast fashion and unethical practices associated with throwaway culture. Your custom-made shirt will be cut to order, reducing waste and helping the environment.

Receive another shirt for free when you purchase your first MTM short sleeve shirt from Kitenge by using code MTMFIRST.

Get started and customise your own shirt today!


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